2023-24 Back to Scouting!
Pack 432 Kickoff won't be Spoiled by Storms
Pack 432 welcomed new Scouts and families at its 2023-24 Kickoff event, a Back-to-Scouting Pack Meeting on September 9, 2023 at Grace Episcopal Church. We set up stations to introduce new Scouts to our scouting principles and give a refresher to those returning this year. Scouts found their den mates and got to know each other, made thank you and appreciation cards for firefighters, crafted a bead slide for their uniforms, reviewed some Scout Skills like know tying a setting up a tent, and played team games! A storm started to roll in, and in true Do Your Best fashion, our grown ups jumped in to help pack everything up and shift the meeting inside Grace Hall. Safety first. The good times continued inside, setting Pack 432 up for an awesome year ahead!
Den Meetings are Underway
With the kickoff behind us, den meetings are underway! Check the Den Meetings tab on our website for specific meeting times and locations.
Interested in Joining Us?
If you are interested in Scouting for your child, consider joining us for our next Pack Meeting on October 21 at Patapsco Tire Park or drop in on a den meeting for your child's grade level. Our leaders are always happy to answer questions. Reach out to Cubmaster Dave at Pack432.Cubmaster@gmail.com or Ms. Kate (our Committee Chair) at Pack432.Committee@gmail.com.