Blue and Gold 2022: April 9, 2022! What a success!
So, these past years have still been a little bit crazy. We all know it.
That doesn't change that scouting continues, and that the kids benefit from the volunteer leadership of their parents--and maybe it gives us particular reason to ensure that where we can, we continue our traditions.
The Blue and Gold is a fundraiser for Friends of Scouting, and we always get together as a pack to celebrate and raise some money for an institution that is helping us teach our kiddos to be more responsible, independent, and capable. We usually feast and have entertainment as well as some awards and recognitions. Last years virtual event was great, but we are looking forward to getting together in person again, outdoors.
As a result, we have been presented with the chance to rethink how we are going to do it.
With a great group of volunteer parents we are planning to threw a Blue and Gold that will hopefully raise money for the Friends of Scouting, while getting to spend two and a half really great hours with our pack families.
This year's event will be held in April, at Patapsco Park. We are always looking for additional volunteers to help us plan a spectacular event for our children. If you are interested in being part of the team, please reach out to your den leader let them know.