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Wolf Scout: 2nd Grade Adventures

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As second graders, Pack 432's Wolf Cub Scouts continue their adventure and spend more time in activities.  Campouts, science experiments, astronomy, you name it... they can get into it as a Wolf.


Wolf den leader, the amazing Mr. Nick, has amazing adventures planned for the year!  Wolf meetings are held every Tuesdays at 6:00 in the Art Room of Elkridge Elementary School.    

Like a real wolf pack, Wolf Scouts move fast and work as a team to overcome challenges. Wolf Scouts hear the Call of the Wild with an introduction to camping skills and responsibilities. They also learn about their duties to each other, to a community, and to a higher power at the Council Fire.  Wolves complete adventures teaching conservation, learn to read a map and navigate the outdoors, practice physical fitness through play, and start to get comfortable with public speaking through skits and telling jokes.  



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